Shared Services Centre An ISO 9001 : 2015 Certified Centre

User Agreement

Welcome, and thanks for using Shared Service Center! When you use our products and services, you're agreeing to our terms, so please take a few minutes to read over the User Agreement below.

Note: You are entering into a legally binding agreement.

1. Introduction

We protect your personal information using industry-standard safeguards.
We may share your information with your consent or as required by law, and we will always let you know when we make significant changes to this Privacy Policy.

1.1. Purpose

1.2. Agreement

2. Obligations

Here are some promises you make to us in this Agreement: You will not share an account with anyone else and will follow our rules and the law

2.1. Service Eligibility

2.2. Payment

2.3. Notices and Service Messages

3. Rights and Limits

3.1. Service Availability

3.2. Limits

4. Disclaimer and Limit of Liability

5. Termination

6. Dispute Resolution

7. General Terms

8. SSC “DOs” and “DON’Ts.”

9. Complaints Regarding Content

10. How To Contact Us


1. What information we collect When you create an account with us, we collect information (including your name, email address, and password). We collect information when you contact us for customer support.

2. How we use your personal information

3. Your Choices & Obligations